cocotb provides couple of routines to start concurrent coroutine. The implementation shows that start calls start_soon and yield for the forked process to start right now. That’s a big deal because start_soon doesn’t star the coro until the parent coro yields control (ie await from something).

def start_soon(coro: Union[Task, Coroutine]) -> Task:
    Schedule a coroutine to be run concurrently.

    Note that this is not an async function,
    and the new task will not execute until the calling task yields control.

    .. versionadded:: 1.6.0
    return scheduler.start_soon(coro)
async def start(coro: Union[Task, Coroutine]) -> Task:
    Schedule a coroutine to be run concurrently, then yield control to allow pending tasks to execute.

    The calling task will resume execution before control is returned to the simulator.

    .. versionadded:: 1.6.0
    task = scheduler.start_soon(coro)
    await cocotb.triggers.NullTrigger()
    return task

Let’s jump into start_soon into the scheduler

    def start_soon(self, coro: Union[Coroutine, Task]) -> Task:

        task = self.create_task(coro)

        if _debug:
            self.log.debug("Queueing a new coroutine %s" % task._coro.__qualname__)

        return task

create_task always returns Task. if passed coroutine, It will return Task created from that coroutine.

    def create_task(coroutine: Any) -> Task:
        if isinstance(coroutine, Task):
            return coroutine
        if isinstance(coroutine, Coroutine):
            return Task(coroutine)

_queue puts the task in _pending_coros.

    def _queue(self, coroutine):
        if coroutine not in self._pending_coros:

_pending_coros is passed to _schedule

                # Handle any newly queued coroutines that need to be scheduled
                while self._pending_coros:
                    task = self._pending_coros.pop(0)

in _schedule, _advance is called on that Task

        with self._task_context(coroutine):
            if trigger is None:
                send_outcome = outcomes.Value(None)
                send_outcome = trigger._outcome
            if _debug:
                self.log.debug(f"Scheduling with {send_outcome}")

            coroutine._trigger = None
            result = coroutine._advance(send_outcome)

_advance is defined with Task which calls outcome.send

    def _advance(self, outcome: outcomes.Outcome) -> typing.Any:
            self._started = True
            return outcome.send(self._coro)

send in Value calls gen.send() and gen here is self_coro

class Value(Outcome):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def send(self, gen):
        return gen.send(self.value)