DCT is frequency domain transform with cosine frequencies. Wiki says it all:

A discrete cosine transform (DCT) expresses a finite sequence of data points in terms of a sum of cosine functions oscillating at different frequencies

The equation to calculate g[u][v] DCT coefficients for 8x8 matrix (used for JPEG).

Example image

Brute force calculation can be done with next loops. It sure can be better with caching cosine multiplication or better butterfly implementation.

import math

mat = [
       [-76, -73, -67, -62, -58, -67, -64, -55],
       [-65, -69, -73, -38, -19, -43, -59, -56],
       [-66, -69, -60, -15,  16, -24, -62, -55],
       [-65, -70, -57, -6,   26, -22, -58, -59],
       [-61, -67, -60, -24, -2,  -40, -60, -58],
       [-49, -63, -68, -58, -51, -60, -70, -53],
       [-43, -57, -64, -69, -73, -67, -63, -45],
       [-41, -49, -59, -60, -63, -52, -50, -34],
def A(idx):
    r = 1.0/math.sqrt(2) if idx == 0 else 1.0
    return r

def mydct(mat):
    N = len(mat)
    #Fuv = N * [ N * [0.0]]
    Fuv = [
           [-76, -73, -67, -62, -58, -67, -64, -55],
           [-65, -69, -73, -38, -19, -43, -59, -56],
           [-66, -69, -60, -15,  16, -24, -62, -55],
           [-65, -70, -57, -6,   26, -22, -58, -59],
           [-61, -67, -60, -24, -2,  -40, -60, -58],
           [-49, -63, -68, -58, -51, -60, -70, -53],
           [-43, -57, -64, -69, -73, -67, -63, -45],
           [-41, -49, -59, -60, -63, -52, -50, -34],

    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):

            sum_ = 0
            for x in range(N):
                for y in range(N):
                    sum_ = sum_ +  mat[x][y] * math.cos((2 * x + 1) * i * math.pi / (2 * N)) * math.cos((2 * y + 1) * j * math.pi / (2 * N))

            Fuv[i][j] = (1/math.sqrt(2 * N)) * A(i) * A(j) * sum_
    return Fuv

r = mydct(mat)

The output coefficients are. Probably worth noting that first element ([0][0]) is called the DC coefficient which is the largest coefficient in the matrix.

[[-415.3749999999999, -30.185717276809033, -61.1970619502957, 27.23932249600452, 56.124999999999964, -20.095173772334842, -2.387647095293558, 0.46181544244846645], [4.4655237014136855, -21.857439332259844, -60.75803811653402, 10.253636818417837, 13.145110120476232, -7.0874180078452005, -8.535436712969494, 4.8768884966804045], [-46.834484742312476, 7.370597353426694, 77.12938757875553, -24.561982249733376, -28.911688429320662, 9.933520952775087, 5.416815472394543, -5.648950862137469], [-48.53496666553105, 12.068360940019197, 34.09976717271505, -14.759411080801929, -10.240606801750438, 6.295967438373016, 1.8311650530957317, 1.945936514864812], [12.12499999999995, -6.553449928892075, -13.196120970971862, -3.951427727907836, -1.8749999999999893, 1.7452844510267367, -2.7872282503369483, 3.1352823039767697], [-7.7347436775991625, 2.905461382890558, 2.379795764875581, -5.939313935865533, -2.37779670673259, 0.9413915961413784, 4.303713343622748, 1.8486910259091216], [-1.030674013497251, 0.18306744355204074, 0.41681547239454186, -2.4155613745353888, -0.8777939199423077, -3.0193065522845317, 4.120612421244484, -0.6619484539385858], [-0.16537560203663063, 0.14160712244184515, -1.0715363895103496, -4.192912078044711, -1.170314092006254, -0.09776107933753686, 0.5012693916445825, 1.6754588169203766]]