few years ago, i tried to write ELF parser in python and it was fun to write hacky code to parse and manipulate binary/hex (not easy though). This is quick write-up to decribe python bin/hex methods.
ord and chr Link to heading
takes string of one char and returns ascii code. The doc descibes it as:
Given a string representing one Unicode character, return an integer representing the Unicode code point of that character. For example, ord(‘a’) returns the integer 97 and ord(’€’) (Euro sign) returns 8364. This is the inverse of chr().
In [22]: ord('a')
Out[22]: 97
In [23]: chr(97)
Out[23]: 'a'
int, hex, bin, oct Link to heading
int takes string and returns int based on passed base.
In [18]: int("10", base=10)
Out[18]: 10
In [20]: int("0xf", base=16)
Out[20]: 15
hex, bin, oct take integer and return string prefixed 0x, 0o, 0b
In [24]: hex(10)
Out[24]: '0xa'
In [25]: oct(10)
Out[25]: '0o12'
In [26]: bin(10)
Out[26]: '0b1010'
bytes and bytearray Link to heading
class bytes([source[, encoding[, errors]]]) Return a new “bytes” object, which is an immutable sequence of integers in the range 0 <= x < 256. bytes is an immutable version of bytearray – it has the same non-mutating methods and the same indexing and slicing behavior.
bytes are strings prefixed with b
In [28]: x = b''
In [29]: type(x)
Out[29]: bytes
In [41]: x = bytes()
In [42]: type(x)
Out[42]: bytes
Basically, bytes is list elements(each is byte) but if the byte maps to ascii it will map it that. fromhex can be used to convert hex string to bytes. notice 0x2e is printed as .
In [43]: bytes.fromhex("2ef0 ff")
Out[43]: b'.\xf0\xff'
and .hex on bytes be used to return string of hex back
In [44]: x = bytes.fromhex("2ef0 ff")
In [45]: x.hex()
Out[45]: '2ef0ff'
Slicing into bytes is allowed and it returns int. Note that Byte array is immutable so can’t assign to slice.
In [47]: x [1]
Out[47]: 240
In [48]: hex(x [1])
Out[48]: '0xf0'
In [49]: x [1] = 4
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-49-5f643ec4a398> in <module>
----> 1 x [1] = 4
TypeError: 'bytes' object does not support item assignment
on the other hand, bytearray is mutuable.
bytearray objects are a mutable counterpart to bytes objects.
In [51]: x = bytearray.fromhex("00ff")
In [52]: x [0]
Out[52]: 0
In [55]: x [0] = 16
In [56]: x
Out[56]: bytearray(b'\x10\xff')
Bytearray and in conversion Link to heading
is used to convert str to bytearray and .hex()
for bytearray to str.
we still need to use int
and hex
for string and int convertion.
In [1]: x = 0x180000
In [2]: bytearray.fromhex(hex(x)[2:])
Out[2]: bytearray(b'\x18\x00\x00')
In [3]: b = bytearray.fromhex(hex(x)[2:])
In [4]: for i in b:
...: print(i)
In [5]: b.hex()
Out[5]: '180000'
In [6]: int(b.hex(), base=16)
Out[6]: 1572864