Have you ever wondered what set_id_info does? If you have, read on.

UVM docs describe set_id_info as:

function void set_id_info( uvm_sequence_item item )

Copies the sequence_id and transaction_id from the referenced item into the calling item. This routine should always be used by drivers to initialize responses for future compatibility.

Basically, set_id_info is called as a part of req/rsp protocol. driver can have something like the following

				rsp = new();


Jumping right into src/seq/uvm_sequence_item.svh, it’s obvious that set_id_info copies transaction id and sequence id. so, why is this important anyway? Let’s start by looking at set_transaction_id and get_transaction_id.

  // Function: set_id_info
  // Copies the sequence_id and transaction_id from the referenced item into
  // the calling item.  This routine should always be used by drivers to
  // initialize responses for future compatibility.

  function void set_id_info(uvm_sequence_item item);
    if (item == null) begin
      uvm_report_fatal(get_full_name(), "set_id_info called with null parameter", UVM_NONE);

In src/base/uvm_transaction.svh, set_transaction_id and get_transaction_id are setter and getter for m_transaction_id.

// set_transaction_id
function void uvm_transaction::set_transaction_id(integer id);
    m_transaction_id = id;

Looking for callers of set_transaction_id, it’s called from uvm_sequencer_param_base::send_request

    if (param_t.get_transaction_id() == -1) begin

so, m_next_transaction_id is moving counter for the transaction items in the sequence.

class uvm_sequence_base extends uvm_sequence_item;

  protected uvm_sequence_state m_sequence_state;
            int                m_next_transaction_id = 1;

At this point we know what is transaction id and what sets it.

But who uses it? Let’s trace get_transaction_id then. I can see two places where transaction id is used.

First place, get_response can be called from sequence to get the rsp after sending req



and get_response calls get_base_response

  virtual task get_response(output RSP response, input int transaction_id = -1);
    uvm_sequence_item rsp;
    get_base_response( rsp, transaction_id);

and get_base_response gets response from the queue if it can match id.

  virtual task get_base_response(output uvm_sequence_item response, input int transaction_id = -1);

    int queue_size, i;

      queue_size = response_queue.size();
      for (i = 0; i < queue_size; i++) begin
        if (response_queue[i].get_transaction_id() == transaction_id) 

Second place, for driver/sequence protocol, driver calls item_done to unblock sequence (blocked at finish_item).

And item_done sets m_wait_for_item_transaction_id

function void uvm_sequencer::item_done(RSP item = null);
    m_wait_for_item_transaction_id = t.get_transaction_id();

on sequence side, finish_item calls wait_for_item_done

  virtual task finish_item (uvm_sequence_item item,
                            int set_priority = -1);
    sequencer.wait_for_item_done(this, -1);

and wait_for_item_done blocks until the right transaction id comes up.

task uvm_sequencer_base::wait_for_item_done(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr,
                                            int transaction_id);
    wait ((m_wait_for_item_sequence_id == sequence_id &&
           m_wait_for_item_transaction_id == transaction_id));